A Saint who converted Hearts and changed History
Who is Saint Clotilde?
Saint Clotilde, patron Saint of our school, was born in 470. Clotilde was the daughter of the Burgundian king Childeric. She was given in marriage to the leader of the Franks, Clovis, in 493. Having remained Catholic in an environment dominated by the Arian heresy, Clotilde had set as a condition of her marriage that she be able to freely practice her religion and have her children baptized. Clovis gradually came closer to his wife's Christian faith, but his conversion became definitive at the Battle of Tolbiac, where he begged the "God of Clotilde" to grant him victory, which happened unexpectedly. Clovis asked for baptism and this event marked the entry of France into Christianity. Widowed at 35, Clotilde retired to Tours near the tomb of Saint Martin in 545.
First Communion at Saint Clotilde
Preparation for the first communion is offered to students at Sainte Clotilde starting from CE2.
9 sessions, lasting one hour, are led by volunteer parents on Monday evenings after class.
A meeting with Mr. Brognier, deacon at the Sainte Clotilde Basilica, is also organized, one Sunday morning.
Children preparing for their first communion are invited to participate in a vigil of praise and worship at the Basilica of Saint Clotilde.
Finally, a one-day retreat at the Notre Dame des Victoires Basilica completes this preparation. Several highlights punctuate this day, including the discovery of the basilica, an ex-voto activity, the discovery of Saint Therese, mass, the rosary, confessions and Vespers.
The next day, during Sunday mass at 11 a.m., the children make their first communion.
During the following week, a time of thanksgiving, in the oratory then in the garden, is offered to the children.
The booklet used for preparation is called “I am preparing my first communion”, published by ARTEGE LE SENEVE .
With him, the child will be able to grow his desire to receive Jesus in the Eucharist and better understand its meaning.